Heavy Metal Jukebox

Time again to play the Heavy Metal Jukebox and there are no quarters required. I list three songs and you say which one you like the most. This time it's songs with the word black in the title. So your choices are:
AC/DC-Back in black
Megadeth-Good mourning/Black Friday
Metallica-Fade to black
***So which do you choose?
First off, I wanna say, I love the Jukebox!!!
There is no question about which song is best.....
1. AC/DC- "Back In Black"
2. Metallica- "Fade To Black"
3. Megadeth- "Good Mourning/Black Friday"
"Back In Black", is by far my favorite song out of these!
Megadeth, not even a question, despite you picking one of the great Metallica songs. "Black Friday" is a ripper!
I see we've got a black theme today...
I choose Metallica - "Fade to Black."
I've been in a Metallica mood...everytime I get mad at my job, I spin a little Metallica...
I threw Back in black in there just to have a third choice. I thought about Fade to black for a few seconds, but I would have to go with Megadeth.
since I don't actually have to spend a quarter, Fade to Black it is. :)
Oh, bugger! Well, Back In Black and Fade To Black are kinda radio/pub dj staples, so I'd gofor Good Mourning/Black Friday because it's a great song I don't hear enough.
I echo what axe man said. B in B is in my top five songs of all time.
Back In Black. No question about it.
Back In Black for sure. The song has guts. I don't support Metallica in any way shape or form.
Easy choice - "Back In Black" - a genuine classic!
I guess I will have to go against the grain here, but Fade To Black it is...some of Metallica's finest work when they were still relevant!
Most of the time, Back in Black takes it. But depending on my mood, Fade to Black will work just fine.
-- david
Back in Black!
But Fade to Black is awesome...
Back in Black is my choice! I've always loved this song from the first moment I heard it...this is great rock n roll!
The jukebox would have to spit quarters back out for me to play "Back in Black." A whole lot of quarters.
I'll pick "Fade to Black," but I'd stick around to hear Megadeth too if someone else plays it. As soon as AC/DC comes on though, I'm out the door. They weren't all that great with Bon Scott, but they were a disaster with Brian "I can't believe I get paid to do something I'm not any good at" Johnson.
All 3 are great songs, but I have to admit, I'd go with Metallica's Fade To Black. A fine pre-curser to One and a fine example of metal's range.
AC/DC "Back In Black" for me, I have that as my cell ring tone!! lol... Sorry, it's a classic.
Back in Black 100%.
HA! If I ever found a juke box with Good Mourning/Black Friday on it, I would play it over and over until the bartender tossed me out.
Be back with another Heavy Metal Jukebox the last week of the month.
Late to the party here, but I'll agree with those who say AC/DC and Metallica are overplayed and go with Good Mourning/Black Friday. Megadeth used to destroy all comers when they were in their prime, and "Black Friday" is a great example of that.
Very late to the party ! Been on holiday. My choice would be Black Friday - highly underrated song. Fade to Black is very cool as well though but B in B is great as well but doesn't live up to the epicness of previous said songs.
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