Power outage and more

Around 4:00PM Saturday I was coming home from the store with the kids when we got caught in a bad storm. It was rocking the car a bit and as I turned onto the road we live on I saw several trees laying against the power line. There were red sparks on the line and then a blue and white burst and then it was still. They didn't quite look like what's coming from the Nuge's hands on the cover above, but it ws a little scary. I had to turn around and go the other way to get home. The downed trees caused us and our whole road to be without power until 8:00PM on Sunday. So no music, TV or computer for me for a long time. It's back now, but I didn't get to do a real post on Sunday. Here is what I hope to have out this week.
Interviews with...
Lillian Axe
Raven/Pentagram drummer Joe Hasselvander
Reviews of...
Smashed Alley-Hardcore Superstar
Knyght-Destination Unknown
Nation Beyond-The Aftermath Odyssey
Hate Eternal-Fury and Flames
Fury UK-Salvation
and maybe even Judge the album cover if I can get to it. Have a great week!
Labels: announcement, storm, Ted Nugent
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