Clash of the album covers
Going with some classics today.

Black Sabbath- Vol. 4

Led Zeppelin
***Which cover do you prefer?

Black Sabbath- Vol. 4

Led Zeppelin
***Which cover do you prefer?
Labels: Black Sabbath, Clash of the album covers, Led Zeppelin
Comparing album cover artwork only...I'd say Led Zeppelin is better.
(But if we were to compare the music...although Led Zep are great, Sabbath crushes!)
The cover of the first Zep tape is minter, but Volume 4 was a gatefold with a cool poster.
Musically, this is a tough one for me. These are probably my favorite tapes from both of these bands.
Both are simple yet iconic covers. I'm gonna go with Zeppelin, but only because it has fire.
Definitely Zeppelin. That Sabbath cover is lame.
Black Sabbath Vol. 4 just looks more Heavy Metal... to me. The name alone - Black Sabbath is more Heavy Metal than... Led Zeppelin.
Maybe I'm scrutinizing this too darn excessively. Black Sabbath wins.
two iconic albums, but to me, the pic of the Hindenburg disaster is even more metal in spirit than "Evil Ozzy," albeit Vol. 4 is one of my absolute favorite Sabbath albums...of course, I don't think Zeppelin had any inclinations to BE a metal band; they got studied, embraced, copied and corraled into the genre...going with Zeppelin for their moxy
Both are great, but the contrasting coloring on Sabbath work better for me.
I think the Sabbath cover is more iconic. Plus, it's the first metal album I ever heard in 1974,I was only 8 years old!
Zep provides the ultimate icon, but Sabbath gives me a stronger reaction. Maybe I take Zeppelin for granted. That Sabbath record cover reminds me of black light posters and bad kids who smoked pot before they had pubes.
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