"Born in a trailer park in Cleveland's east side
From the first day of birth, he'd wished he'd died
His father fought in Vietnam, wished his son a better life
Give the kid a comic book, said heroes conquer strife"
Those are the opening lyrics to the first track on Deadiron's 3 song EP. The track in question ("Underdog") just about sums up the attitude of these Cleveland natives. Bringing together the best that metal has to offer by way of influences ranging from Sandinavian melodic death to American thrash icons like Metallica and Pantera and the East Coast hardcore sound of Blood for Blood and Madball this band plays with a chip on it's shoulder. Unless you've lived in Ohio (especially in the Cleveland area) and have suffered through our cold winters and hot summers you'll be hard pressed to understand why this area creates these sort of brutal bands. With an economy in ruins (even more so than the national scene), severe poverty and high crime there are just parts of Ohio that are quite frankly depressing. These are the ideal conditions needed to create such a hard hitting and gritty band of misfits. As it is Deadiron were formed when vocalist/bassist Alexander Van Ness (formerly of Neonatal Death and punk band the Brazen Rogues) meet guitarist/backing vocalist Sunny Kolattukudy in 2008. It wouldn't be until 2010 though that Deadiron would really get off the ground though and in that short amount of time of the band has already made quite an impact on the local scene. With a full-length album due out later in 2011 the band looks primed to quickly rise up the ranks of heavyweight Ohio metal acts. If this EP is any indication of what awaits us Deadiron should be a household name within a short time. With nods to acts like Megadeth and Iron Maiden written in blood within these riffs this is one EP that is just way to short! By the time you really get to enjoying it the EP is all wrapped up. Looks as if I will have to make a trek out to experience these guys live because all this one did was make me long for more. Find out for yourself why Deadiron should be in every one's metal collection at their website below. And if your in Ohio be sure to check out the band live if you get the chance.!
These guys are awesome!
Right on! This shit is sick
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