Mos Generator-s/t

It was just a few months ago that I thrilled when Ripple music re-issued Stone Axe's debut with a pile of extras. Now that very same label treats us to another re-issue of one of Tony Reed's bands. This is the 10th anniversary edition which includes the original album plus a previously unreleased track from the original recording sessions and the full Live at the Manette recordings that were previously self-released in limited numbers. The songs from the original album are amazing enough on their own. Yes, I could just say these tracks are high caliber groove-laden, 70's inspired stoner rock and all that would be true. However that only scrapes the surface for how good this band really is/was even at this early stage of their career. Every project I have heard Tony Reed in has a flow to it that's just automatic in every aspect of the song. Many bands play this style and you can learn chords and beats, but you can't learn the kind of flow that Mos Generator have. It just comes with knowing what you are doing and it being second nature. That kind of flow is all over these songs. It's like being in a vehicle with an experienced driver/pilot you hear/feel a few seconds and you know you are in good hands so you sit back and enjoy the ride. If it just the original album being re-released that would be great enough, but we also get a bonus studio track and a live album as extras. I was particularly impressed by the live tracks because it sounds it's likely a smaller venue, but the quality is quite spectacular. Mos Generator live are perhaps even more spot on with hitting everything in fine fashion and just channeling their natural smoothness in this performance. Really a fantastic package all around. Once again Ripple Music not only delivers the goods, but they go the extra and exceed all my expectations on this one.
Labels: 2011, Mos Generator
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