Trediah-Lack Of Confidence

I-2 Productions
Warren, Maine's Trediah was formed in the summer of 2009. The band is made up of former Evil Un-Dead member Travis "Herb" Carter on guitar/vocals and is rounded out by two former members of nu-metal band Childhood Nightmare-drummer Jeremiah "J" Aldrich and bassist/vocalist Fred "332" Wigglesworth. Lack Of Confidence (probably not the best title you could come up with for your first full-length album guys!) was produced, mixed, recorded, engineered, and mastered by Dustin Wing (owner/operator of I-2). Quite honestly this album makes for a strange listen at first. The nu-metal remnants of Childhood Nightmare are all too obviously. Trumping those nu-metal moments though are some pretty solid moments of groove and stoner rock. Also present are some glorious shades of doom and black metal (love those raspy vocals) and its these moments where the record really clicks. Its all a slow go though and while the production is a hair flat it works given the darker desires of the band. Trediah might not be ready for the big time let, but this is a great place to start for this dark and deadly three piece. Keep an eye out for Trediah because their going places. Available via Amazon Mp3, Itunes and Tune Core although for the cheapest version visit
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