It was a little over one year ago that I reviewed Danger Zone's album "Line Of Fire". At the time I started that review off by saying "One day soon I really must do a Forgotten Gems piece on Danger Zone's excellent 1984 EP Victim of Time. Someone please remind me to do that." Well, I honestly did mean to review this EP in the months that followed. But, as is the way sometimes, life got away from me. And since no one ever did remind me it is only now that I finally have the chance to appeal to everyone to find this EP right now! Just think you could have had all that time to rock out to this Forgotten Gem. There is still time though. Your metal heart is urging you deep down inside I know. That feeling of "something is missing in my metal collection" is for this long treasured 6-track affair. The heavy metal universe knows it has to wrong some rights and getting you a copy of this classic is a small step in the right direction. Do the right thing my friends. Anyway, as previously stated, here we are now one whole year later. A lot has changed in that short amount of time for me. How about you? At the time I posted that first review (of "Line Of Fire") I had a house to call my own and a good wife that I adored. These days? Not so much of either I'm afraid. I lost the house about the same time I lost my wife. Or did she purposely lose me? Hard to tell. Either way here I am now raising two kids on my own and living in my parents basement. My opinion of happiness might have changed a little (who needs a house or wife when you have two amazing kids!!!!!), but It's good to at least know that my opinion of this EP has not changed at all! It still sounds classic, metallic and epic. If anything I've grown to appreciate this classic more and more with each play in much the same way I grow to love and appreciate my two kids more and more with each new day. Not sure how that is possible since I loved it like crazy then (this EP) and I loved my kids even more. And yet the feelings are truly stronger....for both. Now, of the many sites I frequent there is one in particular (The Corroseum) that has a spot on review of this gem. I'll provide the link below. I post it because it sums up exactly how I feel about this Italian band's great EP. Sometimes it's better just to refer a album or EP to another review because they appreciate the release as much as or even more than you do! While he (the reviewer) talks about the vinyl copy of "Victim Of Time" all I have is a digital copy. I'd love to pick this one up on plastic, but it becomes more pricey with each passing day. Back to the EP though. There are only 6 tracks on this EP and yet it packs enough pure heavy metal fire power that I would dare stack it next to some of the genres classics. Pound for pound "Victim Of Time" measures up to most American power metal bands of the era. Forget for a moment that this was released in 1984 and instead think about the fact that it still sounds fresh and relevant. Massimiliano Merlini's vocal performance is epic and the band plays with such passion that it's impossible not to cheer for Danger Zone. Had this band received the same sort of breaks that bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden had there is no telling how far they could have gone! You can here samples of the album and find out how you can get a burned copy of it here:
http://vibrationsofdoom.com/test/DangerZone.html. I have always wondered why it has never seen a proper CD release. Considering the fact that so many other one and done acts have seen their work re-mastered and re-released and yet "Victim Of Time" hasn't? What gives? Sure, there is split CD bootleg by Revenge Of True Metal Records making the rounds, but since the band gets no money that way I'd stick with Vibrations Of Doom. At least they put money aside for the bands. Somehow, some way this EP needs to get a proper re-release in CD form. The whole works should be in order from a re-mastered sound (even though the production is essentially flawless already!) to new art work (since I've always found the cover a bit cheesy), a bio, lyrics, rare photos and maybe even bonus cuts (how about the three demo tapes that followed this?). What is the hold up? If I had the funds myself I'd be knocking down doors to get this EP out to the metal masses!
http://www.thecorroseum.com/rev/dangerzone.htm (Excellent Review!)
Labels: 1984, Danger Zone, Forgotten Gems
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