
Nothing beats having random albums show up in your e-mail for review. This latest on is the 9-track debut-release from Chapel Hill, North Carolina's Make. Who you might ask? Honestly, the name was new to me as well. Seeing as the three-piece hail from Chapel Hill though (the home of many a hip act) I approached this album with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. An odd mixture I'll admit, but when you've been burned one too many times by false hype you learn quickly that not everything is as it seems. Anyway, the band had previously released a self-titled EP in 2010 followed by a 3-song live record ("Live @ WXDU") in 2011. With "Trephine" the band looks to take their "drone-pysch-doom-metal" sound even further then ever before. Yes, this is not mainstream metal folks. No, this trio offers 9-tracks of near instrumental music. While there are vocals they are spread out amongst long passages of progressive, post-rock/sludge-doom. Make (such an odd name for this odd band) prove themselves capable of technically savvy metal with exquisite instrumentation while still exposing inner-conflict with an unholy edge. The music is grand and sweeping, epic and twisting, dark and passionate all while maintaining an uncanny ability to stay grounded. This is a promising debut album from a rising band and a record worth picking up.
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