Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Death Trip-Pain is Pain - The Complete Death Trip 1988-1994


There's a better then average chance that the name Death Trip brings up nothing but shrugs or looks of confusion. Truth be told even I had no idea who these guys were or what they'd be on about when I clicked on the link for this promo. Surprises like that can obviously be both good and bad. Whatever mystery that I had allowed to build up inside of me (in regards to what sort of sonic sensation I would lay witness to) simply washed away as the music kicked in. Any expectations I had about this compilation just didn't matter as the music had swallowed me whole. What Death Trip did was quite simply and yet completely complex. Built upon a solid foundation of fuzzed over and wonderfully distorted guitars (courtesy of influences like The Stooges, The Birthday Party, and Spacemen 3) is a top level that splits time between gothic metal and the early stages of dark metal. This Finnish group helped pave the way for many underground groups in the homeland as well as being a sensation all there own. This compilation gathers
Death Trip's three 7" singles (originally released on the legendary Finnish indie label Bad Vugum) and rare demos in order to create a set of explosive, post-punk in nature, violent rants/tracks. Within music that is dark, disturbing and dangerous you find a band that had set out to destroy rock and roll and rebuild it in their own graven image. At it's very core these tracks offer up revolutionary punk-tinged metal that is hostile while also offering up hope for a generation that often felt hopeless. It's not for the faint though as this LP is track after track of built-up frustration and pain so when you listen in to the despair at hand it's all too real. Still, there's something very therapeutic about music that spills it's heart and guts all over the floor. So yeah, any expectations I had about this compilation simply didn't matter in the end. For you see, what laid behind me was music that achieved so much in such a little amount of time. It had made me feel like I was drowning in a sea of darkness and yet, in a very surreal fashion, it had made me feel free as if it were ministering to me. This one is indeed dark and yet it has it's own inert power.

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