Sunday, August 10, 2014


Lichtgestalt Music

Lichtgestalt are a four-piece German band that was formed in late 2013 by guitarist Der Heizzer. Besides Der Heizzer it's line-up features vocalist Thomas C. Hertz, bassist Lippmann and drummer Brukke. As much of what is written about Germany's Lichtgestalt is not in English and the band sings in it's native language there isn't much more information to be had about this (slightly) electronic heavy rock/hard metal act beyond those few key facts. Recorded with the help of  Rage guitar player Victor Smolski and sound engineer Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Sudio in Troisdorf, Germany in May 2014 this self-titled EP features the three tracks "Entfessele den Sturm", "Motorenherz" and "Zölibat". Key points of observation would be something like this: 

1) The vocal work of lead singer Hertz is superb! It's all-around high-class as well as somewhat ghoulish. A win-win as it were. 

2)Vibe-wise this four-piece pumps out hard & heavy rock that reminds me of White Zombie/Rob Zombie. 

3) Guitarist Der Heizzer plays his instrument like he is trying out for Filter or a more traditional heavy metal themed N.I.N. 

4) Despite everything you just read Lichtgestalt are very much a straight-ahead rock/metal act. They are just tweaked here and there.

5) I couldn't put this EP down! It easily won me over with it's razor-blade approach and it's authentic air of originality! The fact that the band sings in their native language adds a unique and satisfying element to the mix. Now I find myself eagerly anticipating a reported full-length album that is in the works!

6) And finally friends when a band's lead singer looks like this you just KNOW that you can't miss!

You can find the band online here: 
and here:

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