Wig Wam-Non stop rock and roll

Norway's Wig Wam have been knocking out their blend or AOR tinged hard rock for some time. Their latest release isn't a lot different. It's catchy, semi-sugary hard rock with some definite nods to Journey, Def Leppard and Bon Jovi. However I'll be darned if it isn't one of the catchiest albums I have come upon in some time. They just know how to knock out the kinds of songs that are going to stick in your head and have the choruses going through your brain for hours after the song ends. The lyrics are cliche as are the topics, but it's smooth and you are likely to be hooked on it rather quickly. I must say that I was not as big on their ballads as I was on the more rock oriented tracks. The ballads tended to start fine and the vocals were good, but they fail to build any real steam or try to utilize building any momentum. The rock songs do more than make-up for the slower tracks. Sometimes sugary hard rock is just fluff that I can pass up and know that I didn't miss out, but other entries like this one will have me coming back for more.
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