M!SS CRAZY released their debut alum in early 2006 and they have been very active since then with touring, recording more songs and perfecting their image. I recently got to interview vocalist Markus Allen Christopher and find out more about what his band has been up to and what their upcoming plans are.
MM- How and when did this band form?
MAC-November of 2005 and we recorded and released our CD in January 2006. But we later recorded 6 more songs to make it 16 songs and re-released it in 2007. We formed in the Bay Area. (Outside of San Francisco)
MM- What are you currently working on?
MAC-M!SS CRAZY is currently writing a new CD and plan to follow up with a 2008 Tour of the USA and Canada. We did 152 shows across the USA so we need to make a killer CD to follow the last one. It will be great and have everything rockers love!!
MM-I know that you have been playing more shows outside of the west coast this year. What has been the response to your live show?
MAC-It has been great!! Philly and New Jersey, Wisconsin to name a few were Amazing!
We have so many fans that we have not even played for yet! But our fans are so loving and friendly. I am greatful for all the wonderful people we have met on the last tour! I love Touring!! I wanted to see if my voice would hold up..and it just got stronger. I am happy that worked out!
MM-Any interesting stories from the road?
MAC-Oh man, just too many. But we had this freaky thing happen to us on our way to New Mexico. This bright light was following us for about 50 miles and I flipped out and Kim Racer was trying to keep me cool..but she was acting like it was no big deal. Until the lights went out on the bus. It happend twice. Our drummer was flipping out too. Then she accepted that whatever was out there was following us!! It never stopped until we got into Roswell. We all saw it and we still talk about that night and trip!
MM- Your make-up and the overall look of the band seems to changed some since your debut was released about two years ago. Is your look constantly evolving or is it where you want it to be now?
MAC-I think we will change it up as we go! it's fun to dress up and wear make up. we only did it for the attention and let everyone know that we were Hard Rock supporters! And our demographics for this band are 5 to 55 and it is better than any band. We hope that this new record deal will help spread the word more. but the look will change here and there.
MM- Since releasing your debut you have changed guitarists and drummers. Why all of the line-up changes?
MAC-People do a lot of talking. Talking out of their ass! We had to fire some of them and some just could not cut it. Some were just pricks! Like our last drummer Jimmy Z. He complained more than a housewife! The guy made everyone in the band and people we stayed with hate him. Some thought we would be rich and they had hopes of us making them millionaires over night. It's ok, nothing will stop this band.
MM- Were you in any other bands before Miss Crazy?
MAC-No. I just sang in the shower and stuff. I never thought I could really do it.
But I am happy I am doing it now! Thousands of fans and touring, endorsements,all
over the world! It is great!
MM-How has your vision for this band changed over the last two years?
MAC-Not to much. We stand for and believe in Hard Rock! We want to give the people and new band that plays music like AC/DC and KISS did before us! But we are not 65 years old and we will be around for a long time. I am so grateful for the people who accepted us and supported us! All the great reviews and interviews like you have been ripping!
MM-You and bass player Kim Racer seem to be the two more visible members of the band. Did it start out that way or has that happened just due to line-up changes?
MAC-She has been by my side though all this and we never gave up and we had a great chemistry on and off the stage. She was my best friend and lover. I love her more than love! Kim Racer is one of a kind! no matter who plays with us..We ROCKED together! Kim will always Rule!

MM-You use your Myspace page more than many bands and it must pay off because of the amount of friends you have. How much effort have you put into it and how often do you visit your Myspace page?
MAC-Well we got hacked by some porno site and our page got deleted after we had 75,000 people on it. So we had to start over again. We have a lot of fan sites and our own, but Myspace is a great thing and it helps do PR great! I just check my personal one. We have some great PR people who do our main site and website!
MM-Choose the band from the following pairs that you prefer.
AC/DC or KISS? Both of them. They are our 2 main influences!!!
Def Leppard or Motley Crue? Both again totally rule to the max!!
Cinderella or KIX? Umm Both are bitchen.love the singer in those bands!
Twisted Sister or WASP..I don't know these two that well but I like what I've heard.
Aerosmith or Alice Cooper ..Both are great,but I don't know them that well. I don't have any of the Cds they have out. Only thing I know is the songs on the radio.
MM-Was wearing make-up distracting at all when you first started doing it? Is it all part of the routine for you now?
MAC-Oh, it is a total routine. We will only do this band with the make up. It has made us what we are and it makes us a little different than everyone who does not wear it!
MM- What are your touring plans for the future?
MAC-After we finish the new CD and get this new record deal done. It is about a week away. We will do the new CD and Tour everywhere starting in may 2008 and tour till we drop! I love being on the road and playing for the fans! Thank God for them.
MM- Where do you hope to be three years from now?
MAC-Bigger than we are and touring bigger places and hitting Europe and Japan. Really want to go to Australia too. Have more CDs out and have a million fans! That would be nice! We will still be the same Hard rock band that is grateful and humble.
MM- Is there anything else you want to say about your band or your music?
MAC-Thanks to everyone who has been here for us! We will do this new record, continue touring and trying to get the word out that Hard Rock is still fully alive with M!SS CRAZY!! Check out
http://www.myspace.com/misscrazymusic and add us as a friend. Also we have a website too. It has a ton of pictures and stuff to look at and get for yourself! it is
Thanks so much for the interview Mark! You are the best!
***Thanks to Markus for doing the interview.